free mlm leads is the lifeblood of your business, if you don’t have a system that can help you generate an adequate number of leads essentially you don’t have a network marketing business. But even though for most distributors is already hard and difficult to find prospects just getting any lead won’t help you either. What you need is targeted prospects that have a need for the product or service that you sell or want to become members in a multilevel marketing opportunity.

The best way to succeed in that area of your business is to target a certain niche and identify who your ideal prospect is. Then go after him prepared with the right answers and solutions to his problems. But always remember that you are there to provide a solution to someones problem and you are not after the next sale.

The Internet Is Ideal for Generating High Value Network Marketing Leads

The internet is the perfect medium for attracting network marketing leads. If you have not succeeded at internet MLM lead generation, or if others have told you that it doesn’t work, it is because your approach – and their approach – is all wrong.

The good news is… generating network marketing leads on the internet is very doable. You simply have to understand why people use the web. Once you understand this one principle your whole approach to MLM lead generation will change. So your first step in generating network marketing leads on the internet is…

Understanding Why People Use the Internet

You know the answer to this. It is not that difficult. In fact it is the very reason you are reading these words right now. It is not to learn about my opportunity or my products or anything else that has to do with me – at least not directly. It is because you want to learn something that has to do with you.

Understanding this is absolutely key to your success.

You are reading these words because you want information on how to generate network marketing leads on the internet. Or you want some solution to a problem that is very closely related to internet MLM lead generation.

That is why everybody uses the internet.

Not to learn about generating their own network marketing leads. But to solve certain problems. Everybody is looking for information. Another way of saying it is… everyone is looking for solutions to their problems. And whoever helps them solve those problems will be very popular. So if you want to generate network marketing leads… or if you want to promote anything else related to your business you must figure out how it relates to solving people’s problems. Of course you can’t solve everybody’s problems. Therefore you must…

Identify a Very Specific Niche Related to Your Business

Let’s fantasize of a moment. Let’s suppose you were very wealthy and never had to do anything to make an income. Let’s also suppose that you wanted to create internet content of some type. What would you write about? Or create videos about? That’s easy. You would create content about something you either know a lot about. Or something you have a passion for….. something you love.


If you are interested in something – have a passion for it – you can bet other people are to. If you know something about it, there are people who want to know what you know. Now, identify a passion that is in some way related to your network marketing business. Or identify an area you are willing to learn about that has something to do with your business.

That is your niche. Or it can become your niche. Your niche market includes a group of thousands of other people that share common interests and problems. You are to be the expert that helps them solve their problems. Now take it a step further…

Zero in on Your Ideal Prospect

Identifying a niche is absolutely essential to generating network marketing leads. But identifying your ideal prospect increases your success level. A moment ago we said that a niche is composed of a group of thousands of other people that share common interests and problems. Thousands of people still remain faceless in our minds. But an ideal prospect is a person.

Your ideal prospect is the one person that represents everyone else in your niche. Get a very thorough picture in your mind what this ideal prospect is like. Get to know her as well as you can. Know how she feels about things. Know how she will respond to your content. Understand what her problems are. And then…

Answer Your Ideal Prospect’s Questions

She has certain problems she wants to solve. Otherwise she would not be spending time on the internet. If you pummel her with your opportunity and products she will be gone. She is not looking for these. She is looking for solutions. Help her find these solutions. Be to her the expert consultant that is there providing what she needs.

You already know what she needs. You identified that when you described who your idea prospect is. Now put yourself in her place. Feel what she feels. Sense what she is trying to find. And then provide it for her. Learning to do this well will skyrocket your success in generating network marketing leads.

Tired of buying unresponsive MLM marketing leads for your home based mlm just to face rejection once again? Or spending hours tracking down new prospects who really don’t want to hear what you have to say?

Learn how to attract only interested Network Marketing leads to you at very little cost and say “goodbye” to rejection forever and get mlm leads free in the wake.