Many people who join a direct marketing business follow the lead of their sponsor without question. From day one, they are told to generate a list of all friends and family, co-workers, former classmates, etc. It is suggested that they learn the basics of the company, i.e. the products, the company overview and the compensation plan. Armed with this knowledge and their list of new leads, the typical distributor is up and running within a few weeks.

They have heard success stories from their mentor about people in the company making tens of thousands of dollars. Some key leaders are mentioned by name and their earnings are parroted by thousands of reps within the organization. If they can do it, so can you, or at least that is how the story goes. Most new distributors are excited in the beginning and are eager to get started. Once they have been in for a few months, reality begins to set in and they realize that success is not that easy to come by.

Out of one hundred people on a typical local leads list, only five to ten at best are going to join the company. Most people have a finite list of potential leads, and when that list is exhausted, that is when the frustration sets in. You have a monthly financial commitment to the company. In order to maximize your compensation, you are required to purchase the products or services at a specific price point. If you have any commitment at all to the business, you have also committed yourself to at least a small monthly marketing budget. When you compare your outgoing dollars monthly to your monthly compensation, doubt starts to set in as to whether it is worth your time and effort to continue.

A few people are just headstrong and persistent. They get over the break-even hump by any means necessary. Those are the people that are talked about and held up as success stories within a direct marketing organization. They are also the ones who have an effective MLM marketing strategy . Most however, do not have an answer for that stage of the process where they feel like they are in limbo. They are making some money, but they are also spending just as much to stay in the game. When most people reach that crossroads, their direct marketing dreams have the potential of dying on the vine. If you have reached that point, you have to ask yourself, “What is the one thing that I am missing that would allow me to move forward and become successful. This was supposed to be my path to financial independence. What do I need in order to reach my original goals?”

The answer is simple. You have run out of leads. Credible MLM Leads were the lifeblood of your business from day one. You assembled your list and put gas in your tank. When you ran out of leads, you ran out of gas. As stated earlier, local leads are finite. National and international leads, however are infinite. You can go to any number of places on the internet and find sites set up to help you generate leads for your business. I promise you, they are everywhere. The problem is that it may take you eight, nine or ten tries and thousands of dollars spent before you figure out how to tie all of this information together into one cohesive program that works effectively for you. The good news is that this is not necessary. There are programs that already exist that are all-inclusive; these programs fall under the category of an effective MLM marketing strategy.

These programs take the best of everything that is offered online and put an umbrella over the process. An all-inclusive turnkey marketing strategy is a must these days if you plan to become an effective downline builder. You need a program that will help you to generate unlimited leads online and help you to get cash flow positive quickly. You need a marketing strategy that is duplicatable in order to increase your long term retention. You can only train so many people effectively one on one. Do your due diligence. Put some gas back in your tank and move forward. You started with your local leads and you may have been able to expand that list over time, but if you are out of leads or running out soon, do not despair. Find a marketing strategy that is right for you. Do not wait. Step out of your comfort zone. Do your research and implement an effective MLM Marketing Strategy that will help you reach your goals.