We all work with the same endless ability. We are all using the same laws. The laws of the cosmos are so precise that we can, without any problem, build star ships, send our people to the moon and plan the landing with the exactness of seconds.

If you are from anywhere around the world, in Europe, Hungary, Germany or Bratislava you are using the one conclusive power. The conclusive law – attraction !

Everything that comes to our life, we attract to it. The law of attraction is using our imaginative power which we hold in our mind. Anything you think of, you attract to you.

The biggest coaches of all times agreed, that the law of attraction is the intense law in the universe.

The poets like Robert Burns and William Blake mediated it through poems. The composers like Franz Schubert expressed it through the music and the artists like Da Vinci through their depictions. The big thinkers like Socrates, Albert Einstein, represented it in their teachings and scripts. Their names became timeless and the legend about their lives survived through centuries.

The religions like Taoism, Unitarianism, Christianity and old civilizations like China or Mesopotamia, left a proof of it in their scripts and legends. Through the centuries we are finding this law listed in many different ways. It was even rock-hewn three thousand years before the Christ. This law has been demanded by many but it was always here and anyone could found it and use it.

This law has been created at the beginning of universe. It always been here and always will be.

The Law of attraction is adjusting discipline in universe, every moment of your life and every frivolity you encounter in your life. It does not matter who or where you are, the law of attraction is creating all your life you go through. The law of attraction do this by using your mind. That is you who puts the law of attraction to work and you are doing this through your thoughts.

People, that attracted wealth to their lives have used, maybe unconsciously, the law of attraction. They are keeping the thoughts of luxury in their minds and they do not allow pass opposite thoughts. They are focusing on the comfort most of their time. They know only thoughts of the luxury and nothing else. If they knew about it or not, focusing on the thoughts of the luxury have brought them fortune. This is the law of attraction in motion.

Maybe you know about some rich person who lost everything and after short period of time they earned everything back. What happened in this cases ? Whether this people know about it or not, their dominant thoughts belonged to the wealth what is actually the reason why they got it. Then, they allowed fear of loosing this wealth to their mind and this fear became dominant. This negative thoughts overruled the positive, prosperity, ones and these people lost everything. Just after they lost everything, the fear faded and again the positive wealth thoughts became authoritative. And the luxury has returned.

The law of attraction repliess on your thoughts no matter their orientation.

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