More From MindTalk!

I found this fascinating quote today: Your subconscious mind is amenable to suggestions and it is controlled by suggestion. One of the corollaries of the law of suggestion is that your subconscious mind does not engage in inductive reasoning, which means that it does...

Brain Evolution System

It promises to help you think FASTER and SHARPER. It says it can grant you LIMITLESS ENERGY, help you to think like a GENIUS, and enable you to RELEASE all stresses and tension. I’m talking, naturally, about the latest self-development tool to hit the shelves....

Motivation From Mindtalk

I found this fascinating quote today: Positive motivation is a response which includes enjoyment and optimism about the tasks that you are involved, Monday Motivation Goals, Dec 2009

What more Business, take control of your thoughts!

The Sedona Method Learn to access your natural ability to release any unwanted thought or feeling. This will allow you effortlessly manage stress in your life, moment to moment. You will feel a greater sense of relaxation, confidence, wellness and vitality. You will...